GOLDEN A$$ET$ Stock Ticker Display

Display can show up to 60 stocks or crypto currency of your choosing. List includes Nasdaq, Nyse, S&P 500, Dow Jones, Russell 1000, Russell 2000, OTC Markets, Crypto currencies.
There are three size displays we sell, 12.5", 25", 37.5". All units can be connected together side by side to extend your ticker viewing up to 31' total length!
Features include: adjust the speed, brightness, and housing light for ambience. Edit the ticker list to your own personal choice of companies or cryptocurrencies to list.
There is no subscription fee required!
Everything is controlled using our app which can be downloaded from the Google play store. Apple users will have to download google play on their device. Instructions included with purchase.
All products are now sold at:
There is no subscription fee required!
Everything is controlled using our app which can be downloaded from the Google play store. Apple users will have to download google play on their device. Instructions included with purchase.
All products are now sold at: